中华急诊医学杂志  2018, Vol. 27 Issue (2): 200-203
刘安雷, 刘聚源, 张放, 徐军, 刘继海, 郭树彬, 于学忠, 高健, 朱华栋     
100730 北京,中国医学科学院 北京协和医学院 北京协和医院急诊科(刘安雷、张放、徐军、刘继海、于学忠、高健、朱华栋);100730 北京,北京医院医院感染管理处(刘聚源);100020 北京,北京朝阳医院急诊科(郭树彬)
摘要: 目的 回顾性分析急诊阵发性室上性心动过速(PSVT)转复方法,以指导临床诊疗。方法 回顾性分析我院急诊抢救室2015年6月至12月间收治的PSVT患者,按照手法转复成功和不成功分为两组,符合标准40例,成功组11例,不成功组29例,比较两组基本信息、生命体征、部分血生化指标、二线治疗情况等,统计方法中分类变量以百分数表示,连续变量以均数±标准差(x±s)表示,两组间参数比较采用成组t检验和卡方(χ2)检验。结果 手法转复成功率为27.5%,两组选取的基本信息、生命体征、肌钙蛋白Ⅰ(cTnⅠ)及脑钠肽前体检测(NT-proBNP)差异均无统计学意义,两组血清钾水平分别为(3.8±0.4)mmol/L,(3.5±0.35)mmol/L,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05),成功组中标准法转复6例,改良法转复5例,差异有统计学意义(P > 0.05),二线治疗主要包括普罗帕酮、腺苷、电复律、维拉帕米、胺碘酮,普罗帕酮为最常用的二线药物,使用率占58.6%。结论 手法转复成功率较低,适当提高血钾水平可提高手法转复成功率。
关键词: 阵发性室上性心动过速     手法转复     改良valsalva手法     普罗帕酮     电复律     肌钙蛋白Ⅰ     脑钠肽前体    
A retrospective analysis of cardioversion for paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia in emergency department
Liu Anlei , Liu Juyuan , Zhang Fang , Xu Jun , Liu Jihai , Guo Shubing , Yu Xuezhong , Gao Jian , Zhu Huadong     
Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College Hospital Emergency Department, Beijing 100730, China(Liu AL, Xu J, Liu JH, Yu XZ, Gao J, Zhu HD); Division of Hospital Infection Control and Prevention Beijing Hospital, Beijing 100730 China(Liu JY); Beijing ChaoYang Hospital Emergency Department, Beijing 100020, China(Guo SB)
Abstract: Objective To analyze retrospectively the cardioversion for paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia(PSVT) in emergency department in order to explore rational guidance for the diagnosis and treatment for PSVT. Methods A retrospective analysis of PSVT patients in the emergency department admitted from June 2015 to December 2015 was carried out. First, all the patients were divided into two groups according to the cardioversion achieved by Valsalva's maneuvre or not. Forty patients were enrolled in study. There were 11 patients got cardioversion successfully achieved by the Valsalva's maneuvre and 29 patients failed to get cardioversion. Then, comparisons of demographics, vital sign, serum CTNI, potassium and NTproBNP level were carried out between these groups of patients using statistical analysis. The categorical variable was expressed in percentage and the continuous variable was described by mean±standard deviation and the comparisons of parameters were conducted by group t-test and chi-square test. Results The success rate of PSVT maneuvre cardioversion was 27.5%. In addition, there were no significant differences in demographics vital sign, TNI and NTproBNP between the two groups while there were significant differences in serum potassium level between the two groups [(3.8±0.4)mmol/L vs. (3.5±0.35)mmol/L P < 0.05]. There was no significant difference in successful rate of cardioversion between the standard Valsalva's maneuvre(n=6) the modified Valsalva's maneuvre(n=5). The second-line treatment mainly included propafenone, adenosine, electroversion, verapamil and amiodarone. The propafenone was the most common second-line agent used for PSVT cardioversion accounting for 58.6%. Conclusions The success rate of Valsalva's maneuver cardioversion was low. Keeping properly a higher level of serum potassium could increase the success rate of cardioversion by Valsalva's maneuvre.
Key words: Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia     Manoeuvre cardioversion     Modified Valsalva Manoeuvre     Propafenone     Electroversion     CTNI     NTproBNP    


1 资料与方法 1.1 临床资料


1.2 研究方法


标准valsalva手法(标准法):持续坐位,屏气压力达到40 ㎜Hg(1㎜Hg=0.133kPa)(通过手持10 mL注射器吹气),坚持15 s,心电监护实时监测转复效果[4]

体位改良Valsalva手法(改良法):半卧位开始标准Valsalva动作后迅速平卧后抬高下肢45°,坚持15 s,如仍未转复,重复动作,称为改良Valsalva手法[5]



1.3 统计学方法

统计软件采用SPSS21.0,分类变量以百分数表示,连续变量以均数±标准差(x±s)表示,两组间参数比较采用成组t检验或χ2检验,以P < 0.05为差异具有统计学意义。

2 结果 2.1 两组患者基本资料比较

两组患者人口学特征,发病时间,主要生命体征,基础疾病差异均无统计学意义。(P > 0.05)见表 1

表 1 手法转复成功组与不成功组基本信息比较 Table 1 Comparision of baseline data between two groups
指标 成功组 不成功组 χ2 t P
11 29
  男(例,%) 2(18) 11(38) 1.418 0.29
  女(例,%) 9(82) 18(62)
  年龄(岁) 50.9(16) 42.2(17.7) 3.6(3.2) 1.42 0.16
  发病时间(h) 3.1(2.7) 3.8(3.4) 44.6(17.5) -0.51 0.61
  心率(次/min) 185(15.7) 183(21) 183.6(19.6) 0.26 0.79
  收缩压(mmhg) 104(23) 112(20.8) 109.9(21.6) -0.95 0.34
  血氧(%) 99(1.3) 99(1.2 99.3(1.2) -0.75 0.46
  室上速 5(45.5) 11(37.9) 0.19 0.67
  早孕 0 3(10.3)
  内分泌系统 1(0.09) 2(0.07)
  心脑血管疾病 1(0.09) 3(0.1)
  高血压 1(0.09) 3(0.1)
  肿瘤 4(0.36) 1(0.09)
  肝肾疾病 0 3(0.1)
2.2 两组血生化指标比较

手法转复成功组与不成功组比较,cTnⅠ和NT-proBNP水平差异无统计学意义,(P > 0.05),成功组血清钾离子水平高于不成功组(P < 0.05)见表 2

表 2 两组血生化比较 Table 2 Comparison of serum biochemistry test
指标 转复成功组 不成功组 t P
cTnⅠ(ng/mL) 0.6(1.5) 0.25(0.55) 1.18 0.27
NT-proBNP(ng/L) 815(1289) 638(547.7) 0.34 0.74
血钾(mmol/L) 3.8(0.4) 3.5(0.35) 2.2 0.03
2.3 标准法和改良法转复成功率比较

手法转复成功组中,标准法和改良法转复成功率差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)见表 3

表 3 标准法和改良法转复成功率比较(例,%) Table 3 Comparison of standerd and modified Valsalva manoeuvre for cardioversion rate (case, %)
手法 转复成功组 不成功组 P
标准法 6(55) 19(66) 0.52
改良法 5(45) 10(34)
2.4 二线治疗选择

二线治疗主要包括普罗帕酮、腺苷、电复律、维拉帕米、胺碘酮,其中普罗帕酮所占比例最高,为58.6%,见表 4

表 4 二线治疗情况(例,%) Table 4 The second line treatment (case, %)
二线治疗 例数
普罗帕酮 17(58.6)
腺苷 4(13.8)
电复律 4(13.88)
维拉帕米 1(0.03)
胺碘酮 1(0.03)
自动转复 2(0.07)
3 讨论


基本信息方面:研究期间本院急诊PSVT患者女性多于男性,年龄在40~50岁,发病距离就诊的时间约3.8 h左右。同时整理了两组患者心率、收缩压以及血氧饱和度指标,通过比较发现,两组数据差异无统计学意义。基础疾病方面,PSVT患者中既往多合并PSVT、早孕、内分泌系统疾病(甲状腺功能亢进、糖尿病)、心脑血管疾病、高血压、肿瘤、肝肾疾病等。既往合并PSVT患者比例高达40%,但本研究发现既往是否合并PSVT不影响单次手法转复成功率。




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