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原作者: John Greenwood,葛赟译,肖 文章来源: 《中华急诊医学杂志》编辑部 发布日期:2015-03-03
关键词:失代偿 死亡风险

Title: Cartoons Kill: A new high-risk patient for critical illness & death
Author 作者: John Greenwood
翻译:葛赟 校对:肖锋
This past month, the BMJ published an impressive retrospective review that analyzed nearly 80 years of data to find that animated characters in children’s films are in fact at a very high-risk for death when compared to characters in adult dramas.
上个月BMJ发表了一篇令人印象深刻的回顾性研究,分析了将近80年的数据,发现与成人戏剧中的人物相比,儿童电影中的动画角色实际上是具有更高的死亡风险。Films ranged from 1937 (Snow White) to 2013 (Frozen) and were compared against the two highest gossing dramatic films in that same year. The authors found that nearly two thirds of the children’s animated films contained an on-screen death of an important character compared to only half in adult dramas.
从 1937 年 (白雪公主) 到 2013 (冰雪奇缘)间的所有动画片,对同一年中两个最高戏剧性电影作了比较。作者发现近三分之二的儿童动画电影屏幕上都有一个重要人物死亡,而在成人剧中只有一半。
Fatalities were most commonly the result of:
1 Defenestration/falls (11%)
2 窗口坠落/坠地(11%)
3 Animal attacks (11%)
4 动物袭击(11%)
5 Drowning (6.7%)
6 溺水事故(6.7%)
7 Gunshot wounds (6.7%)
8 枪伤(6.7%)
9 Other mystical causes (6.7%)
10 其他神秘的原因(6.7%)
Other high-risk animated characters include the parents of the protagonist (17.8% mortality) and nemeses (28.9% mortality). Median survival time was approximately 90 minutes (much less than the usual ED LOS!)
Notable early on-screen deaths included Nemo’s mother being eaten by a barracuda 4 minutes into Finding Nemo, Tarzan’s parents being killed by a leopard 4 minutes into Tarzan, and Cecil Gaines’ father being shot in front of him 6 minutes into The Butler.
值得注意的早期屏幕上死亡包括海底总动员里的母亲4分钟内就被一条梭鱼吃掉;刚看《泰山》4分钟,泰山父母就被一只豹子杀害;刚看《巴特勒》6分钟,塞西尔 · 盖恩斯的父亲在他面前被枪杀。
The author’s intention was to point out the psychological impact of death on young children, but I think the authors also highlight an important, high-risk patient population that could present to your ED.
作者的意图是要指出死亡对年幼孩子所造成的心理影响,但我认为作者还重要强调的是,会出现在你的急诊科的高风险患者群体 。

Bottom Line:
Animated characters should be aggressively resuscitated and strongly considered for admission to a higher level of care should they present to your ED, as they appear to be at high-
risk for death and rapid decompensation.



1. Colman I, Kingsbury M, Weeks M, et al. CARTOONS KILL: casualties in animated recreational theater in an objective observational new study of kids' introduction to loss of life. BMJ. 2014;349:g7184.
