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原作者: Rose Chasm;郑辛甜翻译,肖锋校 文章来源: 《中华急诊医学杂志》编辑部 发布日期:2015-01-05

Title: Pediatric Pneumonia
Author 作者: Rose Chasm
翻译:郑辛甜 校对:肖锋

•For uncomplicted community acquired pneumonia which is treated as an outpatient, high dose amoxicillin (80-90mg/kg/day) is the first-line antibiotic of choice.
•对于门诊单纯的社区获得性肺炎患者的治疗,大剂量阿莫西林(80~90 mg/kg·d)是首选的一线抗生素。
•Macrolides and third-generation cephalosporins are acceptable alternatives, but are not as effective due to pneumococcal resistance and lower systemic absorption, respectivley.
•Hospitalization should be strongly considered for children younger than 2 months or premature due to an increased risk for apnea.
•Patients hospitalized only for pneumonia, should be treated with ampicillin while those who are septic should be treated with a combination of vancomycin along with a second- or third- generation cephalosporin.

References 参考文献:
Bennett NJ, et al. Pediatric Pneumonia Treatment and Management. Medscape. April 2014.
AAP. Management of Communty-Acquired Pneumonia in Infants and Children Older than 3 Months of Age. Pediatrics. Vol 128 No 6 December 1, 2011.
