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原作者: Andrea Tenner, 肖锋译 发布日期:2013-10-08

Title: Complications of Malaria Treatment in the Pediatric Population
Author 作者: Andrea Tenner

Case Presentation 病例介绍:
You are working in an ED in Houston when a 2 year old girl presents with fever for one day and decreased po intake.  On arrival her temp=103, HR=180, and RR=50 SaO2=100%.  She was born in the US and is up to date on all of her vaccinations, but has just returned from a trip to Liberia where she was visiting her extended family and received multiple mosquito bites.  Physical exam, CXR and urinalysis are otherwise unremarkable and you suspect malaria, based on her history.  You start quinine IV while you are waiting for the smear when suddenly the child becomes unresponsive.
当你在休斯敦的一个急诊科工作时,一个2岁的女孩因发烧一天,摄入减少就诊。当时她的温度= 103, HR = 180 , RR = 50,血氧饱和度= 100%。她出生在美国,迄今为止已完成所有的疫苗接种。病人刚从访问利比里亚回来,在那里访问其它几个远房亲戚时被蚊虫叮咬多次。体检,胸部X光检查和尿检均正常。根据她的病史,你怀疑是疟疾。在等待涂抹片时,你开始静脉给奎宁,但发现孩子突然变得反应迟钝。
Clinical Question 临床问题:
What is the next investigation you should perform?
Answer 答案 :
Rapid blood glucose!
This patient has at least 4 reasons to be hypoglycemic:
1. fasting (Kids can become hypoglycemic from fasting alone in ~24hrs)
2. infection (any infectious disease can cause it, esp in kids <3 yrs old)
3. malaria (thought to be due in part to increased consumption by parasite)
4. quinine (stimulates insulin release)
4 奎宁(刺激胰岛素释放)
Bottom Line 要点:
Kids can become hypoglycemic fast—check a blood glucose in all pre-pubertal sick children.
References 参考文献:

Zijlmans WCWR et al.  Glucose metabolism in children: influence of age, fasting, and infectious diseases.  Metabolism Clinical and Experimental.  2009.  58:1356-1365.